Cash drawer
In GregSys software the payment actions are go on in this way Main Menu> Cash drawer. Here you can see the balance on the user account.
It is possible to make the following actions in the section of Cash drawer: Income transactions, Expense transactions, Transfers transactions, Customers and Vendors Accounts.
Income transaction: command allows you to enter money to Cash drawer in advance entering the purpose of transactions.
Input [Amount], the name (if there is not that name “New Income transaction, Description ” button will help to create a new name) and if you wish you can add a Comment.
Expense transactions: the command let you outlay money from the cash drawer entering the purpose of the transaction.
Input [Amount], the name (if there is not that name “New Expanse transaction, Description ” button will help to create a new name) and if you wish you can add a comment. The user needs to have enough money.
Transfers transactions: the menu allows transfer money from one user to another.
Input [Amount] the name (if there is not that name “New Transfers transaction, Description ” button will help to create a new name), user name (the name of the user from whom the money should be transferred ) and select the type of transaction (Cash, Credit card, Voucher).
Customer: the menu allows you to select, create and edit customer’s data.
Entering the customer's name, address, account or phone number, the system will automatically find the customer, and with the help of “New customer” button it will be possible to add a new customer.
Customer accounts: the command allows you to edit a customer's financial data, get information about money transfers, as well as make and receive transfers.
[Client’s debt] and [Our debt] menu allows you to inflow or outflow money , which will not have an influence on the cash drawer money, what about [Get Payment] and [Make Payment] transactions they are made from the cash drawer money.
Vendors: actions with this command are similar to “Customer”command.